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Antioch Youth Basketball

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Aug, 2019

AYBO Board Meeting Minutes


AYBO Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Call to order: 6:32 pm

Attendees: Stacey Schaufel, Jodi Klemm, Dawn Volkmar, Sarah Kaiser, Linnea Mortenson, Joe Kane, David Naurocki, Michelle Jackel, Bill Jackal, Erin Schine, Andy Webb, Bob Kaiser


1. Treasurer Report
a. Current Balance: $11,551.33

i. Stacy S made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, Joe K 2nd, Motion carried

2. Last Meeting Follow-up:
a. New Board Members (Vote to approve)

  1. Stacy Schaufele-President-1 year term (To complete her current term)

  2. Sarah Kaiser: Co-Treasurer-1 year term (To complete current term)

  3. Linnea Mortenson: Co-Treasure- 2 year term (Exp. 2021)

  4. Jodi Klemm: Secretary-2 year term (Exp. 2021)

  5. Dawn Volkmar: Board member- 2 year term (Exp. 2021)

  6. Joe Kane: Board Member-2 year term (Exp. 2021)

1. Stacy S. motions to approve the board members, Sarah K. 2nd. Motion carried

  1. Uniform update

    1. Will keep same uniform as previous seasons.

    2. Loaner uniforms are available from previous players. Board is now accepting any loaner from previous players

  2. Website update

    1. Will keep the current website

    2. Needs to be updated with current sponsorships



  1. Will explore a high school or college student to build our website pro-bono

  2. Offer a free registration for a website design

d. League and Board Member insurance update

i. Insurance is all paid up. Includes general liability, officers/coaches liability coverage

  1. Equipment update (return from last season)

    1. Still waiting for some equipment to be returned from girls

    2. All boys equipment that were owned by AYBO has been returned

    3. Will explore what practice equipment needs to be updated

  2. League Fees

    1. Same fees as last season at $375.00/player, but will include uniform for new 5th graders (only). Players needing a replacement uniform will be $25/shirt and $25/shorts.

    2. Sarah K. makes motion to keep registration fees the same/Jodi K 2nd motion. Motion carried

  3. Try-out signs update

    1. Signs will not have a date on them to be used each year. They will refer to the website

    2. 18 x 24 yard sign $15, Banner 3’ x 5’ size sign: $45

1. Jodi K made a motion to spend up to $400 on yard signs/banners, Stacy S 2nd motion. Motion carried

New Business

  1. NIGFBA vs. local team play

    1. Joe K has spoken to local teams to play league and leave NIGFBA

    2. NIGFBA will set up a certain number of home and away games guaranteed

    3. Discussion will continue to further meetings, to see how many teams are available

  2. Hiring or a Girls Director

a. Director will schedule games/practices, run group fundamentals, interview coaches, and other duties


  1. Tim C. is assistant of ACHS varsity team, has been a coach in other programs for approximately 10 years

  2. Contract to be given to Tim. C and will await acceptance

  1. Sponsorship
    a. Sponsorships:

    1. $250: Will include name on Website

    2. $500: Will include name on website as well as banner shown at


    3. Girls who secure a $500 sponsorships will have fees to play waived.

      Uniforms will still need to be purchased by the family (except at 5th grade level where uniforms are included in the cost).

  2. Coaching Applications due dates

    1. Due by September 25, 2019

    2. Applications will be posted on Facebook and website

    3. Coaches will be picked after the teams are named

  3. Try-out Dates

    1. TBD by gym availability, aiming for end of September

    2. Registration needs to be up and running on the website prior to tryouts

    3. Will try to organize skills camps prior to tryouts if we have gym space available

  4. Coaching/Practice plans

    1. Coaches will be running the same offense as well as plays consistently through the grade levels

    2. First hour or practice multiple times a week will be run together as an organization and focus on fundamentals

    3. Coaches will have an additional 30 minutes after fundamentals, as well as other practices with their teams

  5. Annual report will be updated as new officers have been sworn in

Any other updates/questions
Clinics or programs for younger players?

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 pm

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Antioch Youth Basketball

PO Box 487 
Antioch, Illinois 60002

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