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Antioch Youth Basketball

Antioch Youth Basketball

Antioch Youth Basketball Organization Bylaws
June 2016
PO Box 487
Antioch, IL 60002

Article I: Name

The organization shall be known as the Antioch Youth Basketball Organization (hereinafter referred to as AYBO).

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the AYBO is to promote the fundamentals of basketball, the principles of good sportsmanship, and the benefits of teamwork. AYBO is designed to have a girls and boys team at grades 5 through 8. All participants shall reside within the Antioch Community High School (ACHS) District 117 boundary.

AYBO is a 501c3 Not for Profit organization with the structure consisting of a Board of Directors. AYBO is the Antioch feeder basketball program and will strive to operate with transparency, timely communication, balanced oversight and a sustainable structure that provides a positive experience for everyone involved. AYBO is dedicated to the athletes, the participating families, the community, and the entire Antioch basketball program.

Article III: Membership

Section 1 – General Membership
The general membership of this organization shall consist of all parents or guardians of the AYBO participants, Board members, and coaches. All members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes the philosophies of AYBO as stated in Article II.

Section 2 – Election Voting Membership
Election voting members shall consist of the officers currently serving on the Board of Directors for the first annual meeting and thereafter shall be composed of all persons who attend at least two Board meetings in the year prior to election. Voting members may not be affiliated with any other youth feeder basketball program (excluding school programs).

Section 3 – Board Members
AYBO shall be run by no less than (3) members who comprise the Board of Directors. In order to hold a position on the board of directors, a person must reside with the ACHS District 117 boundary, be elected by the AYBO membership or appointed by the Board of Directors.

Desired Board of Director positions of the AYBO shall consist of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Boys Director and Girls Director. A Director may serve two Board positions except that no person may serve as both President and Secretary.

The officers for state reporting purposes are the President, Secretary and Treasurer.

The Board of Directors shall ensure that filled board positions be staggered such that approximately one-half of the director positions become open for election or appointment each year.

A Board Member may be removed for reasons discussed further in these bylaws.

Article IV: Quorum

A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting shall consist of a majority of Board Members.

If a Board Member is not able to attend a meeting but is able to teleconference, that board member may not vote unless voting by proxy. The proxy must be in writing and only applies to a specific agenda item. An attending member may only vote for one absentee member.

Article V – Meetings

The President and Secretary shall be responsible for scheduling the annual meeting and other meetings involving the Board of Directors. At least one annual meeting shall be scheduled, usually in June of each year. In addition, the President shall make every attempt to schedule quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors. The President or Secretary shall notify all members of AYBO of the date, time and location of the annual and quarterly meetings in a timely matter.

Article VI: Officer Elections, Appointments, Resignation and Removal

Section 1 – Board Nominations and Elections
At the March board meeting in year 2017 and beyond, nominations for each available board position, except Secretary, will be taken from any member present and added to the ballot upon a seconding of the nomination. Additional eligible nominations may be written in and approved with the consent of the nominee provided the write-in candidate meets all the qualifications for eligibility. Nominations will be elected by a simple majority of those eligible to vote. Eligible voters will be any member who has attended two (2) meetings in the calendar year prior to the May election, who has no affiliation with any other youth feeder basketball program (excluding school programs). Voting by proxy is not allowed for Board positions.

A membership meeting will be called in June of each year and the eligible voting membership can cast their ballot for the nominee of their choice. Members present will vote via a written, secret ballot. Absentee ballots will be accepted from qualifying members, but must be signed by the voter. Nominees will be elected by a simple majority of those casting ballots. The Secretary and another non-voting member will count and confirm the votes in the view of the general membership and announce the results to the membership.

Terms of office for each member of the AYBO will be two (2) years with no restriction for multiple terms of office. The two year terms will be staggered so that approximately one half of the board will be up for re-election each year. Eligibility for officer positions is as follows:

• President – Must have one (1) full year of experience on the Board.
• Other Board position – Must have one (1) year of membership in AYBO.

Section 2 – Appointments

If a Board position is vacated prior to the end of the term, the existing Board members will appoint a member in good standing to fill the remainder of the term. Appointment shall be confirmed by a simple majority vote of the remaining Board members.

Section 3 - Board Member Resignations
Any officer may resign upon written notice or by informing any two officers of the Board verbally. In the event that any vacancy exists in any office, whatever the reason, such vacancy may be filled by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Board. Newly appointed officers shall serve out the remaining portion of the offices’ term.

Section 4 – Board Member Removal
Any officer may be removed by 75% vote of the membership. The Board can ask for removal of any officer with 75% vote of the board; however, the office in question will be allowed the right to ask for an appeal to the membership meeting within thirty (30) days of the written request for appeal by the officer in question.

Section 5 – New Board Members
New officers shall assume their responsibilities on the Board immediately upon confirmation of the election results or appointment.

Article VII: Amendment or Revision of Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended or revised by one of the following methods at the discretion of the board:

These Bylaws may be amended by three/fourths (3/4) vote of the membership at any membership meeting, provided that notice of intent to do so shall be published and distributed to all of the membership, two (2) weeks prior to the meeting date.

These Bylaws may be amended by a two/thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.

These Bylaws may be revised periodically to more accurately reflect the mission and purpose of the AYBO or to reflect material changes in the organization. Revisions will incorporate, if appropriate, any prior amendments into the body of the Bylaws. The President will appoint as ad hoc committee to propose revisions the the Board for review at least two weeks prior to voting on the approval of the revisions. After review and discussion, the revision of the Bylaws will be allowed by a two/thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.

Article VIII: Rules & Regulations

The rules governing the basketball program are set by the AYBO Board. The Board recognizes all NIGFBA and/or equivalent organizations and will adhere to their policies and rules.

Article IX: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for AYBO shall be from July 1 through June 30 of each year.

Article X: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the AYBO in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws of special rules of order, which the AYBO may adopt.

Article XI: Nonprofit Status – Dissolution

This corporation does not afford pecuniary gain, incidentally or otherwise, to its members. Upon the dissolution of the organization, the Board shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all liabilities of the organization, disburse any excess assets of the organization in such manner as determined by the Board to such organization or organizations operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, literary or scientific purposes which qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law, as the Board of Trustees shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed by the District Court of the County in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized or operated exclusively for such purposes.

Article XII: Equal Opportunity Policy

It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunity to all persons without regard to race, age, religion, national origin, sex, handicap status, or veteran status.

Article XIII: Removal of Members and Participants

Section 1 - Conduct
The goal of the program is to provide supervised instruction in the rules of basketball and the development of good conduct and sportsmanship. It is the expectation that all participants, parents, guardians, coaches and Board Members maintain proper conduct while engaged in activities as a member of AYBO and must agree to a Code of Conduct agreement during the online registration process.

Section 2 – Board Action
If the conduct of any member is deemed by the Board of Directors to be detrimental to the best interests of the AYBO, the Board has the authority by virtue of a two thirds (2/3) majority vote to discipline or suspend a participant or coach. The Board may also move to suspend voting rights, personal recognition, and/or terminate the membership of any member for rules infractions or for failing/refusing to actively participate in the functions and programs of the organization.

Section 3 – Rules and Violations Committee
The Rules and Violations Committee will consist of the Board members or their appointees. They are in charge of review and resolution of minor rules infractions or problems. In the case of an offense in which suspension or termination may be considered, this committee may be charged with the initial investigation of the incident, interviews and discussions with the parties involved and formulation of a recommendation or report of their findings to the Board. The Board will not be bound to accept the recommendation of this committee and may vote to hear from those involved before voting on a decision.

Section 4 – Hearing
A minimum of three (3) calendar days in advance of the meeting where a dispute is to be considered, the member involved shall be notified of the meeting date, time and location. The member shall also be informed of the general nature of the charges and given the opportunity to appear at the hearing to answer the charges. Failure to provide such a notice by the Board or the Committee will result in an extension of time to allow such a notice to occur prior to any hearing or adjudication of the matter. Failure to appear at the hearing by the member in question shall not be a consideration by the Rules Committee or the Board when issuing a decision on the charges.

Section 5 – Advisors
The head coach for the team of the participant charged with an offense shall also be informed of the nature of the charges. The coach may, but is not obligated to appear in the capacity of an advisor with the participant, the parents or guardians.

Section 6 – Protests
To be considered, written protest of a Board of Directors disciplinary decision must be received by a member of the Board within fourteen (14) days of the original date in the dispute. The protest must clearly state the nature of the protest, refer to the specific rule(s) or Bylaw that the protesting member feels was misinterpreted or ignored in rendering a decision as well as ask for reconsideration of its decision. The Board will then review the request and will issue a final written decision within seven (7) days of receipt of the protest.

Section 7 – Chain of Command
In the event of issues between players, parents, coaches, or Board Members, the following chain of command must be followed to rectify the issue:

• Discussion between the participants and the head coach
• Meeting between the participants and the Boys or Girls Director
• If both of the above fail to resolve the issue, with proper notification, the issue can be addressed in front of the Board of Directors

Article XIV: Player Tryouts and Coach Evaluations

Section 1 – Player Tryouts
Tryouts are typically announced in September with actual tryouts taking place in October. Player assessments/tryouts will be scheduled and coordinated by the Board. Tryouts are conducted for the purpose of evaluation of a player’s skill in relation to other players at their grade level. The result of the tryouts are used as a basis for the selection of players for each team.

There will be a minimum of three tryout dates. Players are required to participate in at least one tryout date. Any player who doesn’t attend tryouts may only be placed on a team if cuts haven’t been made at their grade level.  A player who is unable to participate in tryouts due to illness or injury but is in attendance for at least one tryout may be considered for a position on the team after recovery from the illness/injury.  However, the player shall not be assigned to the team until the player completes a two day tryout during practices.  An open roster position may be held for the ill/injured player.  If the player is unable to attend a tryout for medical reasons, the player may still be considered if contact has been made with a board member prior to the last tryout date.  Ill/Injured players are expected to attend practices and games prior to returning.

If the board decides there are enough players to create two teams at a grade level, it is highly recommended that players are not divided to an A and B roster after tryouts.  Allocation to the teams should be accomplished after team practices begin but no later than two weeks prior to the first game.  Delaying the roster selections allows the coach more time to assess the the participants

Article XV: Coaches

Section 1 – Coach Requirements
All head coaches of AYBO must be a minimum of twenty-one (21) years of age. An assistant coach shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age. No person will be permitted to become a head coach or assistant coach in AYBO if that person has been convicted of any crime of child neglect, endangerment or abuse. False or misleading information provided in the application will be grounds for immediate termination and dissociation from AYBO. Individuals selected as coaches may be subject to a background check at their cost, conducted through AYBO. Previous background checks conducted within the previous twelve (12) month period may be accepted from a reputable organization.

Section 2 – Coach Selection
All head coach positions will be selected by the board. The board shall present coaching candidates in regular session for open discussion. Final decisions may be made in closed session.  If a vacancy occurs during the season due to resignation or other unforeseen event, the respective director may make an immediate decision on an interim head coach. His or her decision shall be formally approved or rejected at the next Board meeting. 

Article XVI: Annual Report

An annual written report will be prepared each June by the President of the organization. This report will contain as a minimum:

• A description of the goals and accomplishments managed by the Board over the past fiscal year.
• A financial report of the fiscal year.
• A list of newly elected or appointed Board Members

The Board will ratify the report at the August meeting.

Article XVII: Volunteers

Volunteers of AYBO are individuals who have good moral character and are in accord with the purposes of the organization. Volunteers of AYBO include Board members, coaches, voting members, parents of participants and other individuals who receive no compensation for their services to the organization. All volunteers may be subject to a background check at their cost, conducted through AYBO. Previous background checks conducted with the previous twelve (12) month period may be accepted from a reputable organization.

Article XVII: Member Refunds

It is the policy of AYBO that no refunds will be given to members once a position on a team has been established and/or a uniform issued. If a member quits prior to team selection and uniform order, a full refund minus the cost of the uniform. will be allowed to that member. An exception may be made by vote of the board in the circumstance of an injury with a doctor’s recommendation that prevents the member from participating.

Article XVIII: Fundraising

All fundraising activities will be for the benefit of AYBO and be approved by the AYBO Board of Directors. Unless approved by the Board, no individual or team may pursue separate fundraising activities outside those sanctioned by the Board. If separate fundraising activities are approved by the Board, those funds will be deposited in the general account of AYBO and disbursement of the funds will be at the discretion of the Board. Violation of this policy is grounds for immediate dismissal from AYBO upon a simple majority vote of the Board.

Adoption & Ratification

The foregoing bylaws of the Antioch Youth Basketball Organization, consisting of Articles I through XVIII are hereby adopted and ratified as amended and are made part of the permanent corporate records of the Antioch Youth Basketball Organization this 24th day of June, 2016, and are to take effect immediately following the June 2016 Annual Meeting.

Contact Us

Antioch Youth Basketball

PO Box 487 
Antioch, Illinois 60002

Email Us: [email protected]
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